EDE International as a visitor to the Ferney Group’s “Insperience Day”

Our cooperation partner Ferney, based in Heerhugowaard in the north of the Netherlands, invited us to its annual event in Utrecht this June and EDE International AG was delighted to accept the invitation.

As always, Ferney offered its 130 or so guests an interesting and informative programme. At the beginning, the well-known Dutch AI expert Remy Gieling gave an informative and entertaining presentation on the topic of digitalisation and data. Afterwards, visitors were able to compete in a golf tournament, among other things. The “Insperience Day 2024” was rounded off with a social evening, which Freek Dekkers, Sales Manager Benelux, France and Northern Europe at EDE International, also thoroughly enjoyed. “The Ferney Group and the E/D/E Group have enjoyed a trusting partnership since 2001, which also includes initiatives relating to digitalisation in particular. In this respect, it was good to be able to discuss these current topics in person and also to exchange ideas away from day-to-day business.”

As in the past, the whole day with its perfect organisation was a highlight for everyone involved. We say “Hartelijk dank Ferney”!

Interested in more information about our cooperation partner Ferney and its activities?


Italian co-operation partner Centro Distribuzione Utensili (CDU) meets with EDE International AG for a management meeting

A very welcome visit from Milan: Matteo Montanari, Marco Mattanza and Fabrizio Foi, from Italian cooperation partner CDU, travelled to the EDE Group’s headquarters for a two-day management meeting in mid-May 2024.

The aim of the meeting, which takes place at least once a year, was to shed light on the joint economic and strategic development in Italy and to highlight the market trends and developments of the past year. In particular, perspectives for the future of the long-standing cooperation were on the agenda, including digital marketing and the development of joint sales concepts in Italy.

With a special highlight

Towards the end of the meeting, Annegret Franzen, CEO EDE International, was delighted to present an anniversary certificate for 25 years of successful cooperation within the E/D/E Group: “CDU has been an indispensable part of our group for a quarter of a century and has made a significant contribution to our joint successes. Thanks to their professionalism, dedication and continuous commitment, we have achieved a great deal together on the Italian market and beyond. Our relationship is extremely successful, constructive and characterised by great trust, both commercially and personally!”

We are very much looking forward to the next 25 years of successful and trusting co-operation and say “Mille grazie”!

Would you like to find out more about our cooperation partner and our collaboration in Italy and Europe?



TED group for the cooperation day with EDE International and IGH in Wuppertal

Michele Caterino and 6 other visitors from the TED Group travelled to E/D/E Wuppertal in mid-April 2024 for an intensive exchange with Martin Ochelski (Sales Director & Key Accounts, Cooperations Italy) and his team.

In addition to a tour of the warehouse and the presentation centre, the core business areas of E/D/E and building services, including sales concepts and the expansion of the joint cooperation, were discussed. Co-operation partner IGH (Interessensgemeinschaft Haustechnik) Einkaufs- und Marketing eG was also on board and used the TED group’s visit to discuss current projects.

The TED Group is an Italian purchasing group founded in 2022 by Michele Caterino and IGH. TED stands for Thermohydraulics, Electrics and Design and aims to offer its members a service that goes far beyond “the logic of the classic purchasing group” in a constantly evolving sector of building services. The co-operation with IGH and EDE International offers the advantage of being able to access European services (also beyond building services).

Thank you for a constructive exchange and a wonderful final event together. Grazie mille per la visita!

Are you interested in European building services?



CECOFERSA members’ trip to Lisbon from 9-12 May 2024

The annual members’ trip organised by our cooperation partner CECOFERSA took place in mid-May. This year’s destination was the charismatic city of Lisbon, Portugal. With about 135 participants, the trip was an unforgettable experience for everyone involved, including the participants from EDE International AG.

The event began on Thursday afternoon with a general meeting, which was the business kick-off. At this meeting, CECOFERSA Managing Director Javier Herrera and the staff presented, among other things, the cooperation partner’s strategic goals for the year and the wide range of services that CECOFERSA offers its members and suppliers in Spain and Portugal. The omnipresent topic of ‘growth’ took centre stage – as is well known, CECOFERSA’s company claim is ‘Crecemos Juntos’.

Herrera never tired of emphasising the strong bond with the stakeholders and shareholders, the Spanish EHLIS S.A. and EDE International AG: ‘This joint event in Lisbon is important to strengthen the loyalty of our team, our employees and our shareholders. It is an intangible value that we must continue to promote and, above all, it is a testimony to the power of teamwork, commitment and collaboration between people and companies.’

Annegret Franzen (CEO EDE International AG) was also enthusiastic: ‘As always, the organisation was first-class and we really enjoyed the days together with the entire CECOFERSA crew, our partner EHLIS and Delcredit España. In particular, the intensive exchange with the many members who travelled with us was an absolute highlight.’

Overall, the 4-day members’ trip to Lisbon was a great success. The participants returned home with many new impressions and unforgettable memories and are already looking forward to the next trip.

On behalf of EDE International, we would like to thank all participants, the management and the CECOFERSA organisation team for this wonderful time and look forward to many more shared experiences, new projects and joint growth in the future.

” Ensured Sustainability” certificate for parent company of EDE International AG

The E/D/E Group has been cooperating with the German Institute for Sustainability and Economics (Deutsches Institut für Nachhaltigkeit und Ökonomie – DINO) for several years now so that our members can take a pragmatic approach to their sustainability activities. One of the services is the ” Ensured Sustainability” certification. Since April, the parent company of EDE International AG has also been awarded this seal of approval.

“We want to set a good and positive example for our members and have therefore had ourselves certified by the DINO,” says Jennifer Träptau, Sustainability Officer at the E/D/E Group. “We are delighted to receive our second sustainability certification and are encouraged to keep at it and identify and realise further potential with regard to our sustainability activities.” 

E/D/E-Group supports its members on the path to increased sustainability in various ways with a range of services. One example of this support is the cooperation with DINO, through which members receive discounted conditions for the institute’s sustainability services.

What is the certification process?

In addition to answering questionnaires – with general criteria and criteria relating to the specific sector – DINO paid two visits to E/D/E as part of the certification process. The first was a site inspection to ensure that E/D/E fulfils its theoretical promises in practice. Secondly, the E/D/E was then examined in an audit. The key topics were: Energy, waste, water and recycling. The audit also examined how resources are used, what sustainable measures are taken and in which areas there is potential for development.

After passing the audit, the seal was awarded and a positive report will follow shortly. There will then be a re-audit after three years.

About DINO

The German Institute for Sustainability and Economy is the central awarding organisation for the ” Ensured Sustainability” seal of approval and is based in Münster. Since 1991, the institute has been supporting companies in linking their environmental, social and purely economic behaviour. DINO has over 40 freelance employees from a wide range of specialist areas. To date, the seal has been awarded to 16,000 companies in more than 200 sectors in 12 languages in Europe, Asia, North and South America and parts of South Africa.


Find out more about DINO: https://www.di-no.eu/en/

We are happy to inform you about the favourable conditions for EDE members at DINO. Please contact mayte.jakstait@ede-international.com.

EDE International: New cooperation with French association EQIP

The aim of the new cooperation between EQIP, France’s leading construction fittings association, and EDE International AG is to utilise joint strengths and create synergies.

“When two successful organizations join forces, both sides can gain strength. We are looking forward to a long-term and trusting cooperation with EQIP,” says Annegret Franzen, Managing Director of EDE International AG. With an external turnover of around 2 billion euros, 17 member companies and 750 sales outlets in France and Belgium, EQIP is the leading association of independent distributors specialising in hardware for construction and industrial supplies. It is primarily aimed at professionals from the construction, industrial and public sectors. 

A strong partnership at eye level: EQIP has been cooperating with EBH (Euro Baubeschlag Handel AG) since 2018. The cooperation with EDE International followed on 1 November 2023. Both organisations will remain fully independent, in particular by maintaining their differentiated market presence and independent marketing activities and advertising. However, joint activities in goods procurement, logistics, purchasing and services will be successively examined. “In these areas, we can benefit from each other, learn from each other and ultimately increase profitability and achieve cost benefits on both sides,” explains Annegret Franzen.

Anne-Marie Bihel, Managing Director of EQIP, is also convinced of the potential of the new partnership: “Following the intensive negotiations, we are delighted that we can now start working with the E/D/E Group and thus achieve important purchasing advantages for our French and Belgian members. This will further consolidate our position as the leading building fittings association,” Bihel is certain. One of the next important steps on the cooperation agenda has already been finalised. An exclusive purchasing range is to be made available to EQIP members, as all of them can utilise the services of E/D/E. There are also plans to take over centralised payment for other EQIP members in the future.

One of the next important steps on the cooperation agenda has already been determined. In this way, an exclusive shopping assortment is to be made available to EQIP members, because all of them can rely on the services of the E/D/E. In the future, it is also planned to take over central regulation for other members of EQIP.

For more information, please visit: https://www.eqip.fr/

Europe-wide network: the key to success

The European Hardware Network (EHN) met in January for a partner meeting at our Dutch cooperation partner Ferney Group. In order to further expand the competence group, the representatives of the purchasing associations from all over Europe agreed on various measures. For example, more regular meetings with partner suppliers are to take place in the future.

“In today’s economic situation, it is more important than ever to join forces at the level of purchasing associations in Europe,” explains Mayte Jakstait, Business Relations and Communication Manager at EDE International. “We are firmly convinced that we can only be internationally successful if we create synergies and exchange know-how and experience with each other.” To pursue exactly this mission, the partners of the European Hardware Network, EHN for short, met in January for a two-day meeting in North Holland. The event was hosted by the Ferney Group, the largest Dutch purchasing association in the field of building hardware, tools and hardware.

The EHN is a European competence group that EDE International launched in 2022. It currently consists of seven associations that cooperate with each other on an equal footing. In the last year, the group has grown. Representatives of the organizations ASIDE and EHLIS, both from Spain, attended a partner meeting for the first time in 2024.

The EHN works with a wide range of partner suppliers based throughout Europe. The latest supplier that joint EHN is IBS Scherer GmbH, which specialises in the cleaning and maintenance of surfaces in industry. Michel Overvoorde, Sales Manager Benelux at IBS, presented not only his company but also its product range to the competence group in January. This includes, among other things, special cleaners, maintenance products and washing machines.

From the outset, the partners agreed on one point: they would like to further expand the EHN this year. For this reason, the agenda of the meeting provided for the adoption of measures to help achieve this goal. In addition to the annual partner meetings, regular meetings with the suppliers will also be intensified from now on. “On the one hand, this gives the suppliers who have recently joined the company the opportunity to introduce themselves and their range of goods,” explains Jakstait. “On the other hand, it gives us the opportunity to have ongoing feedback meetings to make the collaboration even more effective.”

Participation in various market events will also be on the agenda for the representatives of the purchasing associations in the future. The next meeting is planned for the beginning of March at the Hardware Fair in Cologne. See you in Cologne!

More info: https://ehn-info.com/

New cooperation with United Hardware

With effect from 1st July 2023, United Hardware, Ireland’s largest buying and marketing group for independent Builders, Plumbers, Hardware and Timber Merchants, is cooperating with  EDE International AG. Both partners signed the agreement on the occasion of a visit to EDE’s headquarter in Wuppertal in May.

With group volume of more than €520m, over 2000 shop staff and over 6000 products available, United Hardware is Ireland’s preferred hardware buying group.

One of the first steps of the cooperation will be the connection to the electronic warehouse eLC. Further projects are already being considered and will successively follow in the area of the FORTIS private label, a partnership with the European Competence Group EHN and the financial services of ETRIS BANK.

Freek Dekkers, Sales Director at EDE International for Northern Europe, knows: “With United Hardware, we have a strong partner at our side who is represented throughout Ireland. With its structures and suppliers, it offers the optimal conditions and thus the basis for effectively creating synergies!”

David Shakeshaft, Commercial Director of United Hardware, is sure that the cooperation is a promising decision: “For the independent operators of our shops, this alliance is a win-win situation; the cooperation with EDE International enables us to offer them even better conditions and a wider range of products.”

Annegret Franzen, CEO EDE International, summarises: “The success of E/D/E and EDE International AG is characterised by strong partnerships at eye level – we are very pleased to be able to enter into a promising cooperation with United Hardware in Ireland as well – with benefits for both sides.”

A warm welcome to United Hardware!

Further information: https://unitedhardware.ie

New leadership team of the cooperation partner Centro Distribuzione Utensili (CDU) visits Wuppertal

At the end of May, the initial visit of the new head of the leading purchasing and marketing organisation CDU (Centro Distribuzione Utensili) based in Caponago, Milan took place on the occasion of a management meeting with EDE International in Wuppertal.

Andrea Naggi (new Managing Director of Centro Distribuzione Utensili Srl) and Marco Mattanza, new Coordinator for the Consorzio Distributori Utensili came to the cooperation partner EDE International with other members of the group to talk about the continuous expansion of the successful cooperation on the Italian market that has been going on for decades.

The Italian cooperation partner was founded in 1992 and has since grown to 25 members with 36 sales locations throughout Italy. Last year, a record result of € 220 million was generated for the first time. For years, CDU has established itself as the most important group in Italy with a focus on cutting tools and other assortments for professional customers in industry and trade. In addition to a wide range of services for its independent professional members it offers well-known original brands, its own private labels (e.g. TKN) and has been very successful in distributing the E/D/E private label FORMAT for decades.

The whole team of EDE International wishes Andrea Naggi and Marco Mattanza a wonderful take-off into their new professional challenge within CDU and very much look forward to developing interesting new projects together with them.

“Grazie per la visita e benvenuti nella famiglia EDE!”

CECOFERSA Annual Assembly 2023 in Granada

Within the framework of a perfectly organised members’ trip of CECOFERSA S.A. with members from Spain and Portugal from 11 – 14 May in Granada, the Annual Assembly took place on Friday, 12th May 2023.

In addition to numerous participants from the CECOFERSA membership from the Iberian Peninsula, the entire CECOFERSA sales and administration team, as well as the shareholders EHLIS and EDE International also took part.

The meeting focused on information about the current situation in the sector, the resulting challenges and, in particular, the numerous services provided by Cecofersa to the Iberian members and by the shareholders EHLIS S.A. and EDE International AG in a difficult global market environment.

The central theme here: continuing to grow together, which is firmly anchored in CECOFERSA’s philosophy with the company slogan “Crecemos Juntos!”.

A constructive and fruitful meeting, in which Rafael Martin, as advisor to the CECOFERSA Board of Directors, emphasised the topic of transparency and stability and Javier Herrera, Managing Director of CECOFERSA, never tired of stressing the many opportunities for joint cooperation. Annegret Franzen, Managing Director of EDE International, praised the organisation, sound information of the meeting and the strong and numerous participation of the members: “We are and will remain a solid, strong and loyal partner for CECOFERSA and, together with our joint venture Delcredit España, are at the disposal of the Iberian members with all our services from Wuppertal and Spain.”

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