Italian co-operation partner Centro Distribuzione Utensili (CDU) meets with EDE International AG for a management meeting

A very welcome visit from Milan: Matteo Montanari, Marco Mattanza and Fabrizio Foi, from Italian cooperation partner CDU, travelled to the EDE Group’s headquarters for a two-day management meeting in mid-May 2024.

The aim of the meeting, which takes place at least once a year, was to shed light on the joint economic and strategic development in Italy and to highlight the market trends and developments of the past year. In particular, perspectives for the future of the long-standing cooperation were on the agenda, including digital marketing and the development of joint sales concepts in Italy.

With a special highlight

Towards the end of the meeting, Annegret Franzen, CEO EDE International, was delighted to present an anniversary certificate for 25 years of successful cooperation within the E/D/E Group: “CDU has been an indispensable part of our group for a quarter of a century and has made a significant contribution to our joint successes. Thanks to their professionalism, dedication and continuous commitment, we have achieved a great deal together on the Italian market and beyond. Our relationship is extremely successful, constructive and characterised by great trust, both commercially and personally!”

We are very much looking forward to the next 25 years of successful and trusting co-operation and say “Mille grazie”!

Would you like to find out more about our cooperation partner and our collaboration in Italy and Europe?

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